Ayush Bhatt


This is a choicey collection of some of the online games I made using HTML, and JS. They all look bad from a UI point of view (😅), so it is advised that you play these games only if you are somehow immune to bad UI. Also, these games are designed only to be played on devices that can support external keyboards (laptops, desktops, iPads with keyboards, etc) and cannot be played on mobile devices. Speaking of which, why are you still reading this?!

Atari Breakout

This is a remake of the legendary break-the-pixels game that ran on Atari consoles. You have 3 lives to destroy all the 100 bricks in the game. There is no time limit. The ball is bounced around using the 'pad' at the bottom of the screen initally controllable using your mouse, and control can always be switched to keyboard (refer to Docs link provided in-game). It has a really bad UI, but I'll work on that in the next iteration of the game, which I hope to release soon.

Trex Run

This is yet another remake, but this time of a slightly more known figure - the Google Trex. It has terrible UI (that's normal for any game that I make), but it's fun nonetheless. It has it's own share of bugs, but I'm simply too occupied with my other projects to take care of this one. If you wanna help out, feel free to reach out over GitHub, or simply fork the repo. The controls of the game are exactly the same as the original game, and the look is undistinguishable from the real game too. The main difference between the two is the efficiency with which they run, which will be obvious to anyone who's played the game before.

The Type Test

This game tests your typing efficiency in real-time. You will be shown a letter on screen, and you must press the corresponding letter on your keyboard as fast as you can to build up your score. You have a time constraint, that is constant across all players. I am working on a version with better UI, and scoring system. If I have enough patience, it might even have a scoreboard. NOTE : This is NOT a reliable measure of how fast your typing is, there are better tests online, and this is intended (for now) to be only a game.


This game is basically a shootout between two (10 pixel-sized) pixels, one red and the other blue. The blue pixel (starting out on left) is controlled by A and D for left and right respectively, W for jump, and SPACE for shoot. The red pixel (starting out on right) uses LEFT-ARROW, RIGHT-ARROW, UP-ARROW, and ENTER for left, right, jump and shoot repectively. Each pixel can be shot 10 times before losing. The game gets monotonous after sometime (for now), and I have a better version with improved functionality on my to-do list.

The Ball Simulator

This is more of a physics simulation than a game. You get to control a ball in a small area where you control a variety of factor in the ball's environment, like gravity, ball's mass, ball's initial velocity, air resistance, and ball's initial release point. While the other factors can be controlled using a text interface, the ball's position can only be controlled using your mouse. In all situations (except a chosen few) the ball settles down to a stationary state after some time. However, the ability to change basic environmental factors like gravity and air resistance make this game really fun.

This site uses Bootstrap.

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